Sunday, October 3, 2010

Opening Day...

Well y'all, It was nice. I saw 3 Does, and 1 nice 6 pointer. He was still to young. Give him another year or two. My Big Buck never did come round. Well I should say I didn't see him. I'm heading back to my spot Friday afternoon to see if I can get him then. Hope all of y'all had a great first day. Let me know how you're fairing out there. Talk to y'all later. Boo-Chow!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Night Lights!

It's Friday night, and the local high school football team is taking the field. You on the other hand are preparing to take to another field. Your sights are set. Your broad heads are tuned. Come daylight you'll be drawing back on that buck you've been watching. Good luck to all my fellow hunters. My your arrows fly straight, and your kill drop fast. Be safe, have fun, and get the big W! Talk to y'all later.  Boo-chow!