Sunday, October 3, 2010

Opening Day...

Well y'all, It was nice. I saw 3 Does, and 1 nice 6 pointer. He was still to young. Give him another year or two. My Big Buck never did come round. Well I should say I didn't see him. I'm heading back to my spot Friday afternoon to see if I can get him then. Hope all of y'all had a great first day. Let me know how you're fairing out there. Talk to y'all later. Boo-Chow!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Night Lights!

It's Friday night, and the local high school football team is taking the field. You on the other hand are preparing to take to another field. Your sights are set. Your broad heads are tuned. Come daylight you'll be drawing back on that buck you've been watching. Good luck to all my fellow hunters. My your arrows fly straight, and your kill drop fast. Be safe, have fun, and get the big W! Talk to y'all later.  Boo-chow!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

305fps. That's right.... Bow season baby!

It's time to grab your gear and head to that magic spot you've picked out. Saturday is open season on those Big Bucks you've been watchin' all summer. This is your time. You've got that spot on the wall to hang your monster from, so you can show it off to all of your friends. Remember to be safe, and have fun.Gonna keep this one short. Will post again tomorrow and Saturday when I return home. Till then, keep'em in your sight, and drop'em where they stand. Holler at y'all later. Boo-Chow

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ok Ladies and gents. 1 week and it's open season. Saturday Oct 2 is D-Day. Deer Day that is. I really hope everyone already has their License, and National Forest Stamp. Remember to have your Bows tuned, and do your Broad-head tuning, if you haven't already. Looks like we will be starting out with a warm season. This may prove the be helpful for us. I've  noticed more Big Bucks out in the openings along the back roads near where I do most of my hunting. Over the last couple of years, they seem to stay up in  the thickets and staying out of sight. So to you brave bucks out there, stay where we can see you. We're coming for you. Signed The Hunters! Lol. Well, gotta go practice now. Gonna get dark here soon. Talk to y'all later! Boo-Chow!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is the key to getting your aim down, I've been sighting in a new bow. Pictured above is my field tip target. As you can see, I'm getting closer to the bull. This was my first 3 shots just before I made my adjustments to the pins. Remember to always shoot of a couple before you adjust your sights, so you can see just where your adjustments need to be made, I made these shots just by putting it into the same place I always do. My comfort zone. I start practicing from 15 yards, and then move back by increments of 10 yards. The shots in the pic were from 15 yards.  So practice, practice, practice!

Early Morning Scouting

 So I went out earlier this morning to check out my game cams, and set and see what's coming around. Well to my delight I see a nice rack come poking out of the thicket. I counted 7 solid points on this buck. I watched him come and go. After he was gone, I got up and made my way back home. When I checked out the pics on the SD card from my game camera there was another buck behind him. This is a big one. I'm guessing he is about 6 or 7yrs old. So with that being said. remember to use patience, and not go for the first deer you see. You my end up missing that big one. Pictured above is what I missed seeing this morning. At least I got him on camera.